31 January 2007

So I enjoy the RSS as much as the next guy, have several RSS bookmarks (for blogs and such), and ter are some sites that I don't keep tabs on, but I'd like to.
However, I've used aggregators like NetNewsWire and I end up getting obsessed with checking my feeds, and then I become burnt out on it. This process takes less than a week.
So I end up forgetting all about some of the blogs and such (myoldkentuckyblog comes to mind) until I think about them for no good reason and spend two hours plowing through the entries.
Any ideas on a solution for my pathetic issue.

I will also admit that I wrote this post (in part) to show off the new userpic, which I think it hysterical.

10 January 2007

Listening to The Beatles' "Love" at the office

And I find that it depresses me a bit.
So many of the songs are happy and hopeful, and I think that's what brings me down. There was a time in history, and it wasn't too long ago, when the most popular (and arguably, the best) songs were about hope and love and joy.
What are we listening to now?
(Actually, I still listen to the Beatles, so I guess I'm alright. Alright-ish. But what are the kids listening to that lets them know it's getting better all the time?)

09 January 2007

Steve Jobs is demoing the iPhone right now.

I keep refreshing Engadget and TUAW to spy new pics and read more of the description.
I'm actually thinking about changing carriers right now.
I mean, RIGHT NOW!

03 January 2007

Normally, I'd just link to the site that was Dugg

But in this case, I'm linking to the DIGG because the comments are so amusing...

My personal favorite is "She didn't go to whore school to learn how to count."

For <lj user="secondtino">

Hang in there!

a list, not really...

Just some stuff that I liked in '06 that I figured I'd share.
So you know it has the Trotsky seal of approval and all.

The Drowsy Chaperone - the musical for the theatergoer who's tired of musicals. Funny, catchy, colorful (and short!), Chaperone is an incredible invention. I've seen it twice and will probably take my roomie to see it in the new year.

My bosfriendector - I honestly don't know where, who or what I'd be without him. And he has yet to complain about my choosing "Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny" for us to see. And he'd have every reason to do so.

Keane - Under The Iron Sea (and live at the Bowery Ballroom) - a beautiful album, full of well written electro-pop tunes about relatable subjects. And seeing them live in a tiny venue was about as good as it got this year.

Ohio State 42 - Michigan 39 - though I wish the result were different, this was an incredible game. Lots of controversial calls, great plays, fantastic drama. What college football is supposed to be. (Well, what Michigan-Ohio State is supposed to be) I hope to catch the Boise State - Oklahoma game on iTunes or ESPN sometime in the near future, cause that looked even better.

Guillemots - From The Cliffs (EP) and Through The Window Pane (LP) - most of my favorite tunes (Cat's Eyes, Trains to Brazil) appear on the EP (Trains is also on the LP), but both are worth multiple listens. "We're Here" is probably the high pointof the LP - a fantastic pop song/show tune. Guillemots are like Clap Your Hands Say Yeah with better lyrics and a slower beat.

kTunes - a karaoke player for the Mac. Fun, easy, fairly intuitive, and the fun kind of shareware where you can send a suggestion or question about the software to the developer and see an answer or feature upgrade in a day. I love the shareware community. It's going to revolutionize software development (even more) in the next 5 years.

My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade - Part The Wall, Part Queen, Part Green Day - a pretty good record. And they're from Jersey.

Superman Returns - Just kidding. This sucked.

The Pernice Brothers - Live a Little - A recent addition to the list. Very much Michael Penn-ish, and I loves me some Michael Penn. If you enjoy that style of music, you'll be hooked by the end of the first chorus of the first song (Automaton).

The Lieutenant of Inishmore - Martin McDonagh's play was like Pulp Fiction in Ireland. Funny, bloody, gritty. I can't wait to see a community theater butcher it.

The Nintendo DS Lite - nothing kills a commute on a train better than Brain Age or Tetris on the way-cool Nintendo DS. I own my geekiness. I wear it proudly. I just pray I don't cross into nerdiness.

Gary Jules - Gary Jules - More excellent laid back folk-rock from the guy who made the creepy "Mad World" cover for Donnie Darko (which, coincidentally, was also theme in a TV commercial for the extremely enjoyable Gears of War for the Xbox 360).

Talladega Nights and Jackass 2 - Stupid and funny. And Jackass 2 nearly made me vomit in the theater (something about a horse). I'm not made of stone, people. I find the occasional kick to the crotch funny.

Other stuff I listened to: a trio of good Idol albums - Kelly Clarkson (I know I'm a year late), Daughtry and Fantasia are all decent albums. The Geico Caveman ads, Pearl Jam's self-titled album, O.K. Go's Oh No.