30 May 2007

Oh! Crystal Ball!

OK - so maybe I saw Keane again. This time at the Tower Theatre in Philadelphia (I know, it's "Upper Darby, PA", but who are we kidding?).
I honestly didn't think anything would top the last time I saw them here's my post from last June.

Apparently, lead singer Tom Chaplin responded well to rehab, as he's looking better than ever, and sounding absolutely fantastic.

However, there was something more to this show. The audience was electric. There was an energy that is very difficult to describe. I sang every song. We jumped, we yelled, we were all a part of the show. I've asked a couple of people about this phenomenon. We have all come to the conclusion that this isn't a Philadelphia thing, per se, but a non-NYC thing. People were just willing to make complete fools of themselves because it may have helped them enjoy the concert more. (I know I enjoyed it more because I was a complete fool about it.) We were, as a group, not concerned about looking hip or seeming too entertained by the entertainment. In New York, you often get people who are too cool for the room, who don't want to scream and dance, who want to see a show with that *I'm so bored* face the whole time.
I don't know how I can go back to that. Stupid pretentious New Yorkers. Dagnabbit.

25 May 2007

Hand Baskets are in Aisle 4

Pick one up - you'll need it for the ride down.

07 May 2007

It's not the Best News Ever!

but this ain't bad
I can't wait to see what I've got in my library. I'll start with the Star Wars, probably. (Begin jokes about my geekiness.... NOW!)

01 May 2007

Loving two birds

with one link.
A nice reminder of why I love:
1) Go Fug Yourself - often hysterical, sometimes mean, always worth two minutes of my time.
2) Bjork - She's insane, but really, really, interesting insane. And "Earth Intruders" is almost criminally catchy.