24 July 2008

Required Reading

This is Roger Ebert's blog entry regarding his departure from At The Movies.

This was truly a landmark television show for a bundle of reasons, not the least of which that it was so damned entertaining for so many years. When I was younger, I tried to watch this every week to see what Gene and Roger were saying about the new films I probably wouldn't see.

Also fascinating in the post are the two YouTube clips at the end, featuring some truly vicious barbs thrown back and forth between Siskel and Ebert.

<a href="http://www.xkcd.com">XKCD</a> is always worth a look...

A fact I was reminded of yesterday, when I stopped by after a long absence.
I think this may have been my favorite, among the newer posts.

"Macgyver Gets Lazy"

22 July 2008


From the ever-interesting Cake Wrecks Blog comes this little nightmare:

Try to avert your eyes...

16 July 2008

There aren't words to describe the outrage.

Actually, there are, but Joe.My.God. used them all in

this fantastic, angry post.

Rock on Joe.

08 July 2008

In Alanis' World, this is Ironic

and so I will write it that way -

It's like stepping out of the freezing cold shower,
just as your roommate finally fixes the boiler.


07 July 2008

Worth the five minutes...

I'm a big Ira Glass fan - I enjoy his voice, and enjoy This American Life.
I was surfing around this morning, looking into different plug-ins for Quicksilver (more on that in a future post), and I came upon this clip on Merlin Mann's blog at 43folders.com:

Sage advice - and I think it's ballsy that he uses his own failures as an example.

02 July 2008

New fuel for your RSS fire...

If you're the type that uses something like NetNewsWire for RSS (or if you use LJ to track RSS stuff), here's a super site to add to your list.

Great daily read...


Unlike some people, I'm not thoroughly enjoying Wipeout, ABC's attempt to Americanize MXC. However, I am enjoying the hell out of the show that follows it, "I Survived a Japanese Game Show!"
The best reason to watch?
This guy:

He hosts the Japanese game show in question, and he's hysterical.

I can't quite describe the show - it's a merge of Survivor and MXC. It's worth catching, the people are enjoyably aggravating and vicious to one another, and it's fun to see stupid Americans at odds with the Japanese culture. It's on Tuesdays after Wipeout.