26 January 2009

For Football Fans - NSFW

As a Giant fan, I can say that I’m a bit disappointed with how this season ended for Big Blue. That feeling lasted about five minutes, immediately followed by reflecting happily on last year’s surprise Super Bowl triumph…

And now, I can even point to the disappointing end to the season as a positive, as it has provided me this video.

To reiterate, this is Not Safe For Work.

20 January 2009

Cynical much?

Maybe it's just me, but the people falling all over themselves in some sort of weird "Changegasm" are beginning to wear very thin on me.

I appreciate the historic nature of today's events (and participated in them with my vote). I am moderately hopeful about the new administration. Of course, the events of the weekend with the gay minister's comments being omitted from the We Are One broadcast, and the Gay Men's Choir of DC not being identified on the broadcast has already tempered some of my Hope.

Maybe it's those missteps (I'm still calling them missteps, not a sign of things to come) that have me less than euphoric today.

Maybe I'm just disappointed there won't be a hologram on CNN.

04 January 2009

I cannot speak.

This guy has managed to find my geek spot.
Rock Band? Check. Portal? Check. Theramin? You bet your Pet Sounds.

ganked from Kotaku

13 November 2008


I'm torn over Facebook.
On the one hand, I really enjoy keeping track of the doings of the connected folks in my life. I'm awed by the number of people I've been able to reconnect with through Facebook.
But.... it's serving as a fantastic reminder of how much I don't have my shit together. I'm hoping it's going to be a motivator for the remainder of 2008 and early 2009. I know I have hard choices to make soon, and I need to be prepared to make them.
When I do put it together, I'll make sure to thank Facebook for the part it played.

08 November 2008

Awkward Silence...

It's been a while since I've actually posted something of myself here, mostly just links and videos. Sorry about that, been a busy and frustrating last couple of months.
It's easier to update my Facebook status, as I'm much more comfortable writing in the single sentence micro-blogging format. I find it difficult to compose a paragraph without my aggravations from one thing bubbling over into the thing I'm writing about. (Or, for English purists, "the thing about which I write.")
So here's the skinny - I'm single again. I'm not cool with it yet, but getting there. Things ended weirder than I expected. It was pretty much always doomed to fail (from the start, we both had no clue where it could go), but I thought it would fail with a bit more grace than it did. It didn't. It ended with a thud. And then a long bit of silence. And then another thud.
I've been trying hard to focus on the highlights - I had a great summer, I learned I'm still capable of being in love, and that I'm capable of being loved. I think about those things often. Usually while printing out pictures. You know - so I have something to throw in the fireplace. ("Leaf by leaf and page by page" and all that)
At least it happened at a good time for me. Hockey and football season takes some of my attention, and those weren't interests that we shared, so I'm not thinking about him when I'm watching the Giants. Well, not that much.
(OK - that's enough about it. I will now revert to my regular self...)

07 October 2008

The Internet Serves Me!

Maybe not.
But it does seem to serve those of us of a certain age who grew up on certain things...