31 October 2005

Damn all you people

Who was going to tell me to watch But Can They Sing?

As we say goodbye to Rocktober....

My cell phone just said, "Goodbye".
She served me a valiant, tumultuous 2+ years, and I shall miss her large, solid footprint and sturdy steel-like exterior.
I can only hope that the new phone is better but without trying to make me forget its predecessor...

28 October 2005

Episode II: The Cologne Wars.

As you may know (well, probably not) - I tend to enjoy a quick spritz of cologne after the morning shower.
I've been a big fan of two Calvin Klein fragrances for some time, Truth (which is my default) and Eternity.
Anyway... I'm getting tired of them (though I'll always keep Truth around, cause I love it), so I'm entertaining ideas from you, my devoted readers. Both of you.
I've already begun buying samples from eBay - here's a short list of scents I've already tested and am considering (in no particular order):
Polo Black
Onyx (by Azzaro)
Hugo by Hugo Boss
Energise by Hugo Boss

Any other suggestions? Any scents on the list you've had horrific allergic reactions to?

18 October 2005

Lucky, Lucky, You're So LUCKY!!!

I saw Franz Ferdinand last night - what a show!
If you're the type of person that likes Franz Ferdinand, than you're definitely the kind of person who needs to see them live. Great energy, played every song (they can virtually play their entire catalog in 90 minutes).
I don't think that there's anyone in music who's enjoying being rock stars more than the guys in Franz Ferdinand. Jumping arond the stage, showing off, etc. They're not the best musicians, and the lead singer has some moments where pitch is a luxury, but it's raw, it's loud, and there's great people watching (the guy I went with said, "Normally you get a real eclectic group of people at shows, but these people came right out of central casting." Lots of hip young thangs dressed in black and begging for verbal abuse.
If you get the chance to see them, see em. And the new album (You Could Have It So Much Better) is worth buying, too.

17 October 2005

Anybody have a resource?

One of my clients had a PC blow out on him. He's unable to access data on his hard drive.
I'm researching potential recovery companies - anybody have a favorite data recovery method/company?
Lemme know -

15 October 2005

Lucked into a seat...

for U2 at the Garden tonight. What a blast.
I'm not going to say that these shows are as big a deal as Springsteen at the Meadowlands Arena or Giants Stadium, but it's close. U2 is an event.
To see Bono live is to see a rock star - one who is so supremely comfortable in the role of "rock star" is very rare. There are times when he mixes the cadence of a line, or waits an additional vamp before starting a song seemingly just to taunt the audience, who hang on his every word and movement and sing along with every note (even to the songs they don't know).
They stage their shows brilliantly - every seat's a pretty good seat. I know this because I had pretty crappy seats, but still saw the whole thing and enjoyed the shit out of it. There's great lights and sets, nice moments staged all over the place.
And The Edge just blows my mind. It used to be U2 had a singular guitar sound, and every song sounded similar because of it. Now he's learned how to bend his notes and create amazing riffs (Vertigo has an all time great Edge riff all over it. Pity Bono couldn't write a coherent lyric for it.) The Edge just kills all over the place.
Anyway - I've got tennis this morning, so I'm off to bed.

14 October 2005

I know he's insane

I was watching about 45 seconds of the Danny Bonaduce show on VH1 last night. Now I know he's batshit insane. He's totally abusing steroids and who knows what else.
But as I watched him dump out some fruit juice to make room in the bottle for booze on the curb outside the liquor store, I couldn't help but think, "Man - look at the guns on that guy."
Sure - he's less chemically stable than nitro gliycerin, but he's got fantastic abs.

you know it's time for a diet...

when even your spam knows you're a blimp.
I'm getting emails addressed to "Ecosystem Brian".