05 October 2006

We'll use a Laser....

From the often ridiculed "Better Living Through Microsoft" file (sorry ), I have this:
I'm not one who can really report too much on the good/bad of Microsoft, as I'm a Mac user. I mean, I work in IT and support Windows machines and all, but all the problems I see on clients' machines are (by and large) the fault of the client, not Bill Gates. I just blame him in order to make my clients feel like they're not total idiots. If I told them they were total idiots, I imagine they'd grow weary of paying my bills.
Anyway - one thing I have always felt Microsoft did well was hardware. Their keyboards tend to be serviceable (not as good as the old-reliable IBM keyboards of old, but what is?), and I have never had a problem with their mice. The first MS Optical Mouse Explorer that I owned was possibly the best money I've ever spent.
So I was using this Kensington keyboard for my Mac, cause I didn't like the Apple keyboard I'd originally got (and it didn't like getting green tea poured into it), but the space bar busted on it some time ago, and I just hadn't gotten around to replacing it. I finally did this week, got me a MS Wireless Laser Desktop 6000. People - if you want a wireless input solution, buy this fucking set. The keyboard has an excellent layout and feel, and the mouse is a nice weight, and points like a dream! I'm even enjoying the excellent Intellipoint software on my Mac. Bravo, Microsoft. I can now lean back when I surf. Bravo, indeed.

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