25 October 2007

Trying to do something...

I'm a bit too much Halo recently, I think. The virtually instant access
to matchmaking and the deeply satisfying feeling one gets by crushing
the flag-stealing dreams of an obnoxious eleven year-old have kept me on
the comfy couch far too much recently. To counteract the Halo gut I'm
growing, I start a new fitness program tomorrow morning (at 7!? What
gives!?) - which should be painful and exciting, though not the point of
the post.
I'm trying to figure out something to do creatively over the winter
months. I've been getting the jones to do *something* recently, and it
could be any number of seemingly hundreds of things. One of my faults
(they are legion) is that I'm not the most disciplined person and I
there are times when I have the attention span of a kitten. That will
be one of the obstacles to my getting anything done in the next short
Anyway - here are some ideas for things I could/should/will be doing -
additional ideas are encouraged. Also encouraged are any tips for ideas
already on the list (tools you use, what have you):
Write a one-act
Create a cabaret show
Direct a staged reading
Direct a musical workshop
Create a themed blog
Go camping
Learn to play the guitar

I just have this feeling that I've got to do *something* with the stuff
that floats about my head, and my previous experience with the gym tells
me that this desire will increase with copious amounts of cardio...


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