26 February 2008

A geektastic dilemma...

So I've grown tired of using my Xbox as a DVD player (for a bunch of reasons), so I decided I was going to buy a new DVD player this week.
As I was in Costco, I was eyeing an $80 upconverting Sony player that was definitely in my price range. Taking a tour of the store to weigh the purchase in my hand, I spied a Toshiba HD-DVD player for the same $80. HD-DVD is a high def format that just last week was abandoned by Toshiba (surrendering the format war to Sony's Blu-Ray).
So what was I to do? I could buy the HD player and play all my DVDs and what few HD-DVDs I could rent, or I could buy the DVD player.

Yeah - I bought the HD-DVD player.
Did I mention that it came with its own HDMI cable! (this would normally be a giant selling point, if I didn't have a spare HDMI cable at home already)

Unboxed the whole she-bang...

and ran the setup:

It came with the first two Bourne movies (and I liked them both, so that's another bonus), but I purchased an HD-DVD movie to test it with...

What better to test it out than with Michael Bay's Robot Alien Sci-Fi spectacle, "Transformers"?
Nothing, I say.
And it was fantastic. Truly incredible picture quality. No issues with clipping or problems with blacks and grays getting pixelated due to compression. And I don't have the world's best TV (or HD-DVD player, I'm sure), but it's still really amazing to watch. No, it didn't make me cry (like some people).

I hope Blu-Ray is this good, or else the wrong horse won.

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