10 June 2008

Freezer Spoon

As if the triple digit heat here hasn't been bad enough, I've woken up the last two mornings with hellacious sore throats. It actually seems that the pain is centered on my right (passenger side) tonsil, which has swollen to the size of Rhode Island.
To combat this, I'm taking some Tylenol products. I've also taken to leaving a spoon in the freezer and applying said Freezer Spoon to the offending tonsil once or twice a day. I can't imagine this has much real clinical value, but it makes me feel better for a half hour or so...


Not Hannah said...

My fear with the Freezer Spoon would be that the spoon would get stuck to my uvula and I would be caught in some horrible gag reflex world for hours.

Came here via O The Joys, in case you were wondering.

Trotsky said...

That's a mistake I only had to make once....