25 August 2008

The Best of The Hunt Hijinx

At least, the best that I have to offer. From a video perspective.

First: The Mentos Jepack

Next: Special Agent Chiquita Runs With Scissors

And Lastly: The Peel Drinks It Straight

17 August 2008

South Pacific

The fella and I were lucky enough to catch South Pacific at Lincoln Center this weekend.
I could go on and feel like I didn't recommend it enough.
I'm not the biggest fan of the piece (at least I didn't think I was) but this production won me over, and quickly.
The director chose not to overwhelm the audience with giant, intricate sets (the sets are lovely, though, and not small, but not garish). Instead, he positions the piece and the performers front and center, and they deliver stupendously. Kelli O'Hara gives a performance as good as any you'll find in New York. Each note seems to float on the air as she sings it, every word out of her mouth is believable, and she's got such an incredible, winning energy to her.
I appear to be going on and on, sorry.
It's a great production. It's a terrific tale, told well, that will (almost certainly) give you a temporary case of hay fever. IT's the shortest three hours you may ever spend in a theater.
The only downside is that exterior of Lincoln Center is being renovated, so you can't play around near the fountain or see the front of the Met or Avery Fisher Hall. The fella had never been there, so it would have been nice to show it off.

13 August 2008

Cake Wrecks

If I didn't think that Cake Wrecks was one of my favoritist novelty blogs already, check the newest reason.

Lil Derrick's parents are the bomb.

12 August 2008

Lego Donkey Kong throws barrels at our hearts

Lego Donkey Kong throws barrels at our hearts: ">You may be operating under the completely misguided assumption that stop-motion Lego Donkey Kong is the best thing you've ever seen, but, we promise you, it's old news. Those of us really in the know are into real-time Lego Donkey Kong, which you can see just above, if you're not already watching, tears streaming down your face and sobbing so loudly that you're scaring the cat.

04 August 2008


Axel Peemoeller - Eureka Carpark Melbourne: "In Melbourne I developed a way-finding-system for the Eureka Tower Carpark. The distored letters on the wall can be read perfectly when standing at the right position. This project won several international design awards."

01 August 2008

Expert Opinion

A small minority of physicists believe that the new Super Collider in Europe represents a risk to the very fabric of the universe, threatening to annihilate all life on the planet.

I laughed all that off, until I saw all these pics of it today.

Is this a doomsday device or what?