21 July 2006

the dangers of listening to your friends...

At least once every couple of months, someone makes some kind of suggestion about some facet of my being that I initially laugh off, then take to heart and try out. These things usually end in failure.

For instance, a month ago a friend of mine said, "I mean, you're cute and all, but you should definitely grow a goatee. You'd be way cute with a goatee." (This is a paraphrased version of the conversation, and no, this isn't a teenage girl.)

So time passed, and I decided to give it a whirl, so I haven't shaved in a week or so, and this morning I shaved off all but the valuable goatee bits.

I'd like to get a ruling here, but I think it looks like I just gave Fudgie the Whale a rim job.

goat blech

Remember Fudgie - you said you'd call me...

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