23 December 2006

I may rival K-Fed

as the worst wrapper ever.

I mean - this looks like a frigging pagoda. Made out of wrapping paper. That's about to collapse...

It's a paper shredder, by the way. Does credit cards, too. Not CDs, though.

19 December 2006

For that damnable <lj user="xtingu">

1. name:
2. birthday:
3. place of residence:
4. what makes you happy:
5. what are you listening to now/have listened to last:
6. do you read my lj:
7. if you do, what is particularly good/bad about it:
8. an interesting fact about you:
9. are you in love/have a crush at the moment:
10. favorite place to be:
11. favorite lyric:
12. best time of the year:
13. weirdest food you like:

1. a film:
2. a book:
3. a band, a song and an album:

1. one thing you like about me:
2. two things you like about yourself:
3. put this in your lj so i can tell you what i think of you.
4. Post a picture of yourself! (a link to one is fine, too!)

16 December 2006

Worst Concert Recap Ever

I saw the Loser's Lounge Tribute to Elton John last night (with the always-delightful Mrs. Cobb). We went on fairly short notice (decided on Monday to go), and we had a BLAST!
Our highlights included Michael Cerveris' pretty fuzzy black jacket (and his so-so "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road"), the fantastic rendition of "I Want Love" (from Songs from the West Coast), the WOW! version of "Take Me To The Pilot" by Mike Fornatelle, but most of all, we heart the guitarist for the house band, a Mr. David Terhune. Working some leather pants and just enjoying the hell out of the evening.
There were some misses (some big ones), but in what can only be described as "rare", I'm choosing not to reflect on those moments. They just added to the evening.
We're definitely going to catch other Loser's Lounge shows when we can. I'll try to post ahead of time.

Watching a crapy movie.

I'm watching the regrettable Van Helsing on TNT. As it stands, it's not a very good film, but it may also include the most offensive accents in recent memory as well as the worst looping I've ever seen. It's like they don't even pretend to match the words with the lips. I wonder if a single line of dialogue that was shot made it to the screen.

14 December 2006

Just Got Sirius

Anyone else have it?
Outside of Howard, First Wave, and Coffee House, to what should I be listening?

I'm not looking to buy a blender.

But if I was, I'd sure as hell be looking at a blender that can makes hockey puck smoothies or an iPod malt (among other things)

10 December 2006

God may have a sense of humor

So a dear friend has had terrible back problems, and recently went through miserable corrective back surgery. She's been in a good deal of pain, and finally got home from the hospital the other day, and she's beginning what will most certainly be a long and painful rehab.
She's been posting to her blog on her progress, displaying great optimism and a remarkable sense of humor. She is Captain Awesome.
So anyway - she likened herself to Frankenstein the other day, and I posted a comment to her blog, making light of her painful medical situation, hopefully to get a laugh out of her.
I almost instantly experienced karmic backlash. Yesterday morning I played in my regular Saturday morning tennis game, and during warmups (probably the tenth shot I hit), I jerked my back suddenly, and threw my back out. I played my two hours cautiously (hey - I paid $30 for that court time!) but I began to feel my back tighten up throughout tennis. By the time I got home, I was walking like a cripple. I had to leave work early because I was in such intense pain (and because I was frightening the customers).
I am not going to begin to compare my back pain to my friend's, but suffice it to say, lesson learned. No more snarky comments making light of someone else's pain. (I give this about three days.)

Karma's a bitch, man.

(Oh, and now I get to gimp to my dad's for his Christmas Party of Doom, featuring the warring tribes of my family. Hooray.)

the dangers of multiculturalism...

Here's the shower caddie my roomie decided to purchase...

... and here are the stickers he chose from the multi language pack.

07 December 2006

Bachelor Chow

Futurama often featured advertisements for a product called "Bachelor Chow". I always liked the title and longed for the day when I could deem something my personal "Bachelor Chow".
Well, gentle reader(s), that day has arrived. The answer was always there, but I somehow missed it.
Bachelor Chow is made and sold by the wonderful generous souls at Boston Market.
Seriously - how great is the BoMark? (thanks )
I've been going there somewhat regularly in the past month or so (as life has gotten busier) and I am constantly impressed with the quality of the food, the speed of service, and the fact that nobody cares if I'm eating alone.
It's as if I'm eating at my mother's house, except she's learned how to make a decent order of mashed potatoes and learned that one can steam vegetables and serve them without any sauce whatsoever. And I get all the leftovers.
So say what you will, but I'll keep supporting the big bad food service industry. Maybe I'll be the BoMark's Jared (nearly 30lbs since June. Not that you can really tell.), but who knows?

What a post

This post is a fantastic bit of commentary about the power of New Media, specifically with regards to a recent tragedy in the news.
The poster is the co-creator of the amazing Firefox web browser, and he's only 21. He puts me to shame.