10 December 2006

God may have a sense of humor

So a dear friend has had terrible back problems, and recently went through miserable corrective back surgery. She's been in a good deal of pain, and finally got home from the hospital the other day, and she's beginning what will most certainly be a long and painful rehab.
She's been posting to her blog on her progress, displaying great optimism and a remarkable sense of humor. She is Captain Awesome.
So anyway - she likened herself to Frankenstein the other day, and I posted a comment to her blog, making light of her painful medical situation, hopefully to get a laugh out of her.
I almost instantly experienced karmic backlash. Yesterday morning I played in my regular Saturday morning tennis game, and during warmups (probably the tenth shot I hit), I jerked my back suddenly, and threw my back out. I played my two hours cautiously (hey - I paid $30 for that court time!) but I began to feel my back tighten up throughout tennis. By the time I got home, I was walking like a cripple. I had to leave work early because I was in such intense pain (and because I was frightening the customers).
I am not going to begin to compare my back pain to my friend's, but suffice it to say, lesson learned. No more snarky comments making light of someone else's pain. (I give this about three days.)

Karma's a bitch, man.

(Oh, and now I get to gimp to my dad's for his Christmas Party of Doom, featuring the warring tribes of my family. Hooray.)

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