04 February 2005

Ahhh... My Halo obsession...

It hurts to want it so badly.
Ohhhh, Master Chief, with your mirrored visor and armor plating, how I wish
you could be mine.
Okay, not really, but I've definitely played far too much Halo 2 online with
my Xbox cronies.
I think it might be responsible for my bedsores and the fact that I twitch
throughout the night. The fact that I'm constantly harassed by 12 year-olds
with mouths that make truck drivers blush doesn't get me too down. It gets
me down when they beat me (but not too much - I can still drive a car and
buy liquor).
Anyway - I've been lax in my journal writing, and I wanted to make a quick
post between matches to explain my absence.
This will fade soon enough, I suspect. Then I'll get back to reading,
emailing, watching television - all the truly interesting things that drive
me to write here. And maybe I'll get me some kind of a social life, too.
One can only hope.

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