19 January 2006

Project Runway last night

I was going to post a diary entry for last night's Project Runway, as my roommate inevitably says two or three things an episode that I feel should be recorded for posterity*. However, I've become selfish, and refuse to share them with you. Besides, doing a running diary is something you do because nobody else is there to hear your witty, catty remarks. It's not something you do when someone's there providing instant feedback and alternate opinions.

Last night they voted the wrong person off. Big time. I think it's one of those occasions where the producers went to the judges and said, "Yes, Santino's outfit is atrocious and he should be forced to wear it outside a Ranch 1, but he's much better television than Emmett, and it's not like Emmett has a shot of winning, so keep the whack job." Twas a bit disappointing. Of course, now Emmett can get back home to tend to all rotting corpses he must have in his basement. He's as creepy a man as I've ever seen on television. Well, besides Little Richard.

* The best thing that KL has said so far was last week. One contestant was explaining her approach to the challenges, and KL sneered, "And that's why you'll never win, Zuleema!" You'd have thought he was in a sci-fi movie.

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