27 June 2006

How "Jesus Is Magic" was like "The Island"

Bear with me here.
Last year, my chum and hetero man-date went to see the first showing of Star Wars Episode III (we're so cool).
Anyhow, the theatre was packed fulla losers like us (or if you were in DE, like ). The most memorable moment was before the film unspooled. The preview for the Michael Bay opus, "The Island" came on. Once the preview finished, there was absolute silence. Except for one guy, about 5-7 rows in front of us. He perfectly encapsulated the crowd's opinion of the preview (and thus, of the entire film):
He said, "No."
That was it - just a plain spoken, slightly louder than normal speaking voice, "No." Maybe the funniest thing that I witnessed in a movie house in 2005.
I tell this outdated story for a reason.
My roommate and I watched "Sarah Silverman: Jesus is Magic" on Sunday night. After the longest hour and six minutes of my life were over, my roomie just stared at the television (more through the television, if that's possible) and said, "No."
It was the most we laughed all night.
Jesus is Magic is a slow, unfunny trip through the mind of someone who I think is a funny person. Some of the jokes are shock/funny, but the film is so stiflingly paced it's amazing. I nearly nodded off several times during the film. At one point, my roomie had to shout my name to jar me awake. The songs aren't that funny, or good. The concert footage would be good if it wasn't cut like a Calvin Klein commercial (the director ADDS silence with all the duts he makes. I repeat, he ADDS SILENCE). It should have been a 30 minute deal, or an hour on Comedy Central. For goodness' sakes, they make Bob Odenkirk unfunny. And not in an ironic way. Just unfunny.
Please, please, please don't watch this movie. Save yourselves.

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